Jumat, 13 Juli 2018

Information Technology Article Translate

Tidak dapat disangkal bahwa salah satu penyebab utama terjadinya era globalisasi yang datangnya lebih cepat dari dugaan semua pihak adalah karena perkembangan pesat teknologi informasi. Implementasi internet, electronic commerce, electronic data interchange, virtual office, telemedicine, intranet, dan lain sebagainya telah menerobos batas-batas fisik antar negara. Penggabungan antara teknologi komputer dengan telekomunikasi telah menghasilkan suatu revolusi di bidang sistem informasi. Data atau informasi yang pada jaman dahulu harus memakan waktu berhari-hari untuk diolah sebelum dikirimkan ke sisi lain di dunia, saat ini dapat dilakukan dalam hitungan detik. Tidak berlebihan jika salah satu pakar IBM menganalogikannya dengan perkembangan otomotif sebagai berikut: “seandainya dunia otomotif mengalami kemajuan sepesat teknologi informasi, saat ini telah dapat diproduksi sebuah mobil berbahan bakar solar, yang dapat dipacu hingga kecepatan maximum 10,000 km/jam, dengan harga beli hanya sekitar 1 dolar Amerika !”. Secara mikro, ada hal cukup menarik untuk dipelajari, yaitu bagaimana evolusi perkembangan teknologi informasi yang ada secara signifikan mempengaruhi persaingan antara perusahaan-perusahaan di dunia, khususnya yang bergerak di bidang jasa.

    Secara garis besar, ada empat periode atau era perkembangan sistem informasi, yang dimulai dari pertama kali diketemukannya komputer hingga saat ini. Keempat era tersebut (Cash et.al., 1992) terjadi tidak hanya karena dipicu oleh perkembangan teknologi komputer yang sedemikian pesat, namun didukung pula oleh teori-teori baru mengenai manajemen perusahaan modern. Ahli-ahli manajemen dan organisasi seperti Peter Drucker, Michael Hammer, Porter, sangat mewarnai pandangan manajemen terhadap teknologi informasi di era modern.

    Oleh karena itu dapat dimengerti, bahwa masih banyak perusahaan terutama di negara berkembang (dunia ketiga), yang masih sulit mengadaptasikan teori-teori baru mengenai manajemen, organisasi, maupun teknologi informasi karena masih melekatnya faktor-faktor budaya lokal atau setempat yang mempengaruhi behavior sumber daya manusianya. Sehingga tidaklah heran jika masih sering ditemui perusahaan dengan peralatan komputer yang tercanggih, namun masih dipergunakan sebagai alat-alat administratif yang notabene merupakan era penggunaan komputer pertama di dunia pada awal tahun 1960-an.

Minggu, 13 Mei 2018

Health Article - Translate 3

Waspada Obesitas Setelah Transplantasi Hati

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Ada satu hal yang harus diwaspadai pasien setelah menjalani transplantasi hati, yakni obesitas (kelebihan berat badan). Obesitas yang terjadi dikarenakan pola makan berlebih dan tidak dapat mengontrol hasrat untuk makan.
Bagi pasien transplantasi hati, ada kecenderungan mengalami obesitas. Andri Sanityoso dari IPD Divisi Gastroenterologi Hepatologi RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta menjelaskan hal tersebut.
"Yang paling penting setelah operasi (transplantasi hati) itu harus mewaspadai risiko obesitas. Makanya, jagalah berat badan agar seimbang. Tidak ada pantangan khusus soal makanan, intinya, berat badan dijaga," jelas Andri dalam acara konferensi pers "Transplantasi Hati" di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, ditulis Selasa (8/5/2018).
Obesitas yang terjadi dapat menyebabkan penumpukan sel lemak di hati (fatty liver). Nafsu makan pasien memang bertambah setelah operasi transplantasi hati. Tubuh memerlukan asupan makanan demi kesembuhan hati baru.

Risiko infeksi
Tak hanya risiko obesitas bagi pasien transplantasi hati. Ada juga risiko infeksi, yang bisa terjadi bila perawatan setelah transplantasi tidak dilakukan benar.
"Pasien harus menghindari risiko infeksi lainnya, terutama infeksi dari udara. Untuk itu, pasien harus pakai masker selama beberapa bulan--sampai dirinya pulih--setelah operasi," Andri melanjutkan.
Perawatan yang tepat ini mendukung pemulihan hati. Hati yang baru dapat kembali berfungsi. Pasien juga harus rutin cek kesehatan setidaknya sebulan sekali setelah transplantasi.

Selasa, 10 April 2018

Language and/or Culture article - Translate

Blurring the Line between Language and Culture


Blurring the Line between Language and Culture 

Fatiha Guessabi argues that culture is a language in itself,
Language always carries meanings and references beyond itself: The meanings of a particular language represent the culture of a particular social group. To interact with a language means to do so with the culture which is its reference point. We could not understand a culture without having direct access to its language because of their intimate connection.
A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group. Learning a language, therefore, is not only learning the alphabet, the meaning, the grammar rules and the arrangement of words, but it is also learning the behavior of the society and its cultural customs. Thus; language teaching should always contain some explicit reference to the culture, the whole from which the particular language is extracted.
The human communication process is complex, as many of our messages are transmitted through paralanguage. These auxiliary communication techniques are culture-specific, so communication with people from other societies or ethnic groups is fraught with the danger of misunderstanding, if the larger framework of culture is ignored.
Growing up in a particular society, we informally learn how to use gestures, glances, slight changes in tone or voice, and other auxiliary communication devices to alter or to emphasize what we say and do. We learn these culturally specific techniques over many years, largely by observing and imitating.
The most obvious form of paralanguage is body language, or Kinesics, which is the language of gestures, expressions, and postures. However, the meaning of words can also be altered by tone and character of voice.
Language is culture and
culture is language
Language and culture have a complex, homologous relationship. Language is complexly intertwined with culture (they have evolved together, influencing one another in the process, ultimately shaping what it means to be human). In this context, A.L.Krober (1923) said, “culture, then, began when speech was present, and from then on, the enrichment of either means the further development of the other.”
If culture is a product of human interaction, cultural manifestations are acts of communication that are assumed by particular speech communities. According to Rossi Landi (1973), “the totality of the messages we exchange with one another while speaking a given language constitutes a speech community, that is, the whole society understood from the point of view of speaking.” He further explains that all children learn their language from their societies, and during the process of learning a language also learn their culture and develop their cognitive abilities.
Language communicates through culture and culture also communicates through language: Michael Silverstein proposed that the communicative force of culture works not only in representing aspects of reality, but also in connecting one context with another. That is, communication is not only the use of symbols that “stand for” beliefs, feelings, identities, or events, it is also a way of bringing beliefs, feelings, and identities into the present context.
According to the linguistic relativity principle, the way in which we think about the world is directly influenced by the language we use to talk about it. “The real world is, to a large extent, unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group. No two languages are ever so similar that they represent the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct, not merely the same with a different label attached” (Edward Sapir, 1929). Therefore, to speak is to assume a culture, and to know a culture is like knowing a language. Language and culture are homologous mental realities. Cultural products are representations and interpretations of the world that must be communicated in order to be lived.
The problem lies in what happens when cross-cultural interactions take place, i.e., when message producer and message receiver are from different cultures. Contact among cultures is increasing and intercultural communication is imperative for anyone wanting to get along with and understand those whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from their own.
Language can mark the cultural identity, but it is also used to refer to other phenomena and refer beyond itself, especially when a particular speaker uses it to explain intentions. A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group. We can therefore presume that language learning is cultural learning, so language teaching is cultural teaching due to the interdependence of language and cultural learning.
Culture is a fuzzy set of attitudes, beliefs, behavioral conventions, basic assumptions, and values that are shared by a group of people and that influence each member’s behavior and each member’s interpretations of the meanings of other people’s behavior. And language is the medium for expressing and embodying other phenomena. It expresses the values, beliefs and meanings which members of a given society share by virtue of their socialization into it. Language also refers to objects peculiar to a given culture, as evidenced by proper names which embody those objects. Byran posited that “a loaf of bread” evokes a specific culture of objects in British usage unless a conscious effort is made to empty it of that reference and introduce a new one. So, we can conclude that language is a part of culture, and through it, we can express cultural beliefs and values, and that the specific usages of a given word are peculiar to a language and its relationship with culture.
In fact, language teaching means, inevitably, language and cultural teaching. According to Buttjest, “Culture learning is actually a key factor in being able to use and master a foreign linguistic system.” The Bellagio Declaration of the European Cultural Foundation and the International Council for Educational Development states, “For effective international cooperation, knowledge of other countries and their cultures is as important as proficiency in their languages and such knowledge is dependent on foreign language teaching.”
Learning a language is therefore learning the behavior of a given society and its cultural customs. Language is a product of the thought and behavior of a society. An individual language speaker’s effectiveness in a foreign language is directly related to his/her understanding of the culture of that language (Taylor, 1979), and it is possible to consider teaching culture through learners’ own languages, which can be used in a specific way to interpret the other culture (Ager).
Finally, we can conclude that immersion teaching accelerates the acquisition of cultural knowledge: “…the integration of language and culture learning by using the language as medium for the continuing socialization of students is a process which is not intended to imitate and replicate the socialization of native-speaker teachers but rather to develop student’s cultural competence from its existing stage, by changing it into intercultural competence” (Fengping Gao).

Senin, 12 Maret 2018

Article Translate

Alzheimer's researchers win brain prize

By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online

6 March 2018
Source: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-43300185

Four dementia scientists have shared this year's 1m Euro brain prize for pivotal work that has changed our understanding of Alzheimer's disease. 

Profs John Hardy, Bart De Strooper, Michel Goedert, based in the UK, and Prof Christian Haass, from Germany, unpicked key protein changes that lead to this most common type of dementia.

 On getting the award, Prof Hardy said he hoped new treatments could be found. He is donating some of his prize money to care for Alzheimer's patients.
Much of the drug discovery research that's done today builds on their pioneering work, looking for ways to stop the build-up of damaging proteins, such as amyloid and tau. Alzheimer's and other dementias affect 50 million people around the world, and none of the treatments currently available can stop the disease.
Path to beating Alzheimer's,
Prof Hardy's work includes finding rare, faulty genes linked to Alzheimer's disease. These genetic errors implicated a build-up of amyloid as the event that kick-starts damage to nerve cells in Alzheimer's.
This idea, known as the amyloid cascade hypothesis, has been central to Alzheimer's research for nearly 30 years. Together with Prof Haass, who is from the University of Munich, Prof Hardy, who's now at University College London, then discovered how amyloid production changes in people with rare inherited forms of Alzheimer's dementia.
How one woman and her family transformed Alzheimer's research
Prof Goedert's research at Cambridge University, meanwhile, revealed the importance of another damaging protein, called tau, while Prof De Stooper, who is the new director of the UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL, discovered how genetic errors that alter the activity of proteins called secretases can lead to Alzheimer's processes.
Dr David Reynolds, Chief Scientific Officer at Alzheimer's Research UK, said: "Our congratulations go to all four of these outstanding scientists whose vital contributions have transformed our understanding of the complex causes of Alzheimer's disease.
"The fact that three of these researchers work in the UK reflects the country's position as a global leader in dementia research."
Prof Hardy said he would be donating around 5,000 euros of his share of the 1m euros from the Lundbeck Foundation to help campaigns to keep Britain in the EU, and called Brexit a "unmitigated disaster" for scientific research.
He also pledged his thanks to all the people with Alzheimer's who, over the years, have volunteered to help with dementia research.

Minggu, 21 Januari 2018

Clause and Sentence

1. Clause
Clause Definition
A clause consists of a subject and a verb and is the smallest grammatical unit that expresses a thought.

What is a Clause in a Sentence?

In its simplest form, a clause in grammar is a subject plus a verb. The subject is the entity “doing” the action of the sentence and the verb is the action that subject completes. A clause creates a complete thought (an idea or a statement that can stand alone).

Kinds of Clause

1. Main or Independent Clause   

Main or independent clause is a clause that expresses a complete thought and can stand  alone as a sentence.

- Harry eat pizza
- Zayn speak loudly
- The teacher asked me a question

2. Subordinate or Dependant Clause
 Dependent clauses contain a subject and verb. However, they cannot stand alone as an independent thought. They must be joined with an independent clause to be grammatically correct.

 He likes Chinese rice which tastes good
The clause “which tastes good” in above sentence is a subordinate clause because it does not express complete thought and can’t stand as a sentence. It depends on main clause (he likes Chinese rise) to express complete thought.
 I met the boy who had helped me.
- The teacher asked a question but no one answered.

3.  Noun Clause
Noun clause is a type of dependent clause that acts as a noun in the sentence. A noun clause will always contain a subject and a verb. However, it cannot stand alone as a complete thought. A noun clause works as a noun that acts as a subject, object, or predicate in a sentence. A noun clause starts with words “that, what, whatever, who, whom, whoever, whomever”.

 What you said made me laugh.
- He knows that he will pass the test.

4. Adjective Clause
 “A dependent clause that functions as an adjective in a sentence is called adjective clause.”       
An adjective clause works like adjective in a sentence. The function of an adjective is to modify (describe) a noun or a pronoun. Similarly a noun clause modifies a noun or  a pronoun.

Relative Pronoun List:
- that
- where
- who
- whom
- which

Relative Adverbs List:
- when
- where
- why

- An apple that smells bad is rotten. 
- The book which I like is helpful in preparation for test.
- The house where I live consists of four rooms.

5. Adverbial Clause
An adverb clause like an adverb modifies a verb, adjective clause or other adverb clause in a sentence. It modifies(describes) the situation in main clause in terms of “time, frequency (how often),  cause and effect, contrast, condition, intensity (to what extent).”

The subordinating conjunctions used for adverb clauses are as follows.
Time: when, whenever, since, until, before, after, while, as, by the time, as soon as
Cause and effect: because, since, now that, as long as, so, so that, 
Contrast: although, even, whereas, while, though
Condition: if, unless, only if, whether or not, even if, providing or provided that, in case

- Don’t go before he comes.
- He takes medicine because he is ill.
Although he tried a lot, he couldn’t climb up the tree. 
Unless you study for the test, you can’t pass it. 

2. Sentences

Kinds of Sentences

A. Simple Sentence
A simple sentence is consists of just one independent clause.

  • The boys are singing
  • The cat purred
  • She read a lot of novels
B. Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses. Compound sentence consists of two simple clauses connected by the coordinating conjunction (for, and , nor, but, so, yet) conjunctive adverb (e.g. however, therefore), or semicolon alone.

  • He took the test several times but he couldn’t pass.
  • He is famous, yet he is very humble.
  • She was angry, still she kept her cool.
C. Complex Sentence
complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

While he waited at the train station, Joe realized that the train was late.
Wherever you go, you can always find beauty.
The museum was very interesting, as I expected.
-After twenty years, he still had feelings for her.

D. Compound-Complex Sentence
Compound complex sentence is made up of more than one sentence joined by a conjunction, and at least one of those sentence is complex. In other words, it is a compound sentence with a dependent, or subordinate clause. 

 When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina, and my mom is proud of me.
- Sarah cried when her cat got sick, but he soon got better.
 When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina, and my mom is proud of me


Role Model

There are many people in this world worth looking up to and idolizing as your role model. For me, the person who I look up to the most in my life is my mother. She is my role model for many different reasons. First, she is the strongest person I know. She deals with things I would never be able to conquer in my life. She is the definition of unconditional love. She never fails to lend a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or an ear to not just myself, but anyone in need. My mother is the reason I am the person that I am today, and I could never function without her. I will be proud to become  half the woman that she is today.

I am very proud of my mom because she is the strongest women that I even seen and that I ever had in my life. She can take care of her daughters by herself alone. She is my everything. Everyday she is always waking me up for getting prayer or she will get mad if I didn’t wake up in the morning because I left  my subuh prayer. Everyday she will always take me in to the Kalibata train station by motorcycle when I want to go to college and then she pick me up again when I came back from college. I really really really love her even she is always yelling all the time she told that I have to blablabla.....

We're live together, my mom, me and my sister. Since I came into the world, I never feel and understand how does it feel if we’re live together with a father. That’s why I love my mom because she is very strong even my mom were standing alone, but I will always in her side every time she needs me. I know she is  happy just only seeing her daughters happy. She ever cry when she know and saw that I'm crying just because of boy. She told me that do not ever crying just because a boy. If he truly loves you he would never make his girl cry. And she always told me that I have to take care of myself, don't ever act you’re so cheap in front of boys and you have to take care of your crown, because only your future husband deserve to have that.

Cinta Dalam Diam

Hanya dengan memandangi punggungmu, sudah membuatku bahagia
Hanya dengan mendengar suaramu, sudah membuatku lega
Hanya dengan melihat wajahmu, sudah membuatku gembira
Hanya dengan melihat senyum-mu sudah membautku terpana

Mungkin lebih baik begini, tak bisa memilikimu tetapi masih tetap bisa dekat denganmu
Cinta diam-diam jauh lebih baik daripada harus tersakiti
Ketika kau pergi karena mengetahui aku jatuh hati

Terkadang lelah menyuruhku untuk menyerah

Memintaku berhenti melakukan perbuatan si-sia
Memintaku untuk mencari cinta yang baru
Tetapi aku memilihmu beserta kekhawatiranku

Dan mungkin ini memang yang terbaik bagiku
Hanya bisa mengagumimu sepenuh hatiku
Tanpa meminta balasan cinta darimu
Untuk dapat mencintaiku sepenuh hatimu

By : Nanda Jessica 

Interview a foreigner

This is just a general interview with a foreigner that I met in Kota Tua Jakarta. He is Bruce from Germany. Let's see the video ☺

Novel Review "After"

After by Anna Todd

This story is wrote by Anna Todd and this story is a fan-fiction from the biggest boyband in the world it is One Direction. Firstly she wrote this story in wattpad and after this story got a billion readers from wattpad, one of the most publisher in New York made this story into a novel.

This is about Theressa Young or Tessa who got a scholarship to Washington Central University (WCU). Before she started her day in the university, her mother always remind her to take care of herself and do not going to part and get drunk. Tessa promise it and Tessa also promise with her boyfriend, Noah, that they'll still can keep in contact and will meet every weekend. But it's not easy as she thought.

She met with Hardin, he is Stephanie's friend which is a Tessa roommate in the dorm. Tessa doesn't like Hardin because he is rough and impolite. But Tessa couldn't step away from him because Hardin is Steph's friend. So, Tessa will always met him.

Steph always invite Tessa for going to party and at the party Tessa met Steph's friends included Hardin. At the second party, Tessa came again. They're played a game "truth or dare". When they were playing together, Tessa get asked and she choose "truth". And the question is are she is still virgin or not? and Tessa answer it "yes". Tessa often comes to the party even though Hardin always annoyed her, but Tessa felt like she always wanted to be with Hardin. Especially when they're both kissed each other for the first time in Hardin's room when Tessa got drunk.

Tessa always think about Hardin and it makes Tessa forgot with her boyfriend, Noah. Tessa and Hardin always spent their times together, Tessa get in love with Hardin and had a feeling with him. And also Hardin look like have a feeling with her too. It makes Tessa left her boyfriend and she fight with her mom too for Hardin.

But after she sacrificed their relationship with Noah and her mom, Hardin can't give what Tessa want. It is the status of their relationship. Hardin gave all of Tessa want, Tessa live at his apartment and Tessa prove it. Moreover, Tessa give her virginity for him and Hardin still can't tell the status of their relationship. Tessa was suspected with his act. Especially the way Hardin act in front of Tessa and his friends are different. And Tessa tried to figure it out.

What she should suspect it was true. Tessa was become a bet for Hardin and his friends to take her virginity.. After all of the truth was revealed, her life was changed. She lost everything in her life. Her relationship with Noah and her mom, her dorm where she live during this time, her virginity, and she was lost Hardin.

So many times Hardin tried to apologize and he said all of that its not about the bet anymore. And now, Hardin was truly fall in love with Tessa. But Tessa doesn't believe it that easy. And everything has changed.

Favorite Character

My favorite character based on this novel is all the cast from One Direction members HAHA. But my favorite one is Hardin a.k.a Harry Styles. I really love him even in this story he is a bad boy who had a lot of tattooes and piercing. He is a tall boy, had a curly long hair, sexy lips, green eyes, and its all makes him really sexy. And I believe every women when heard his husky voice while he is speaking or singing will melted like mozarella cheese.

The Irish Guy

You. Irish Guy
Blonde dyed hair
Bright blue eyes
I know you so well
And I love you, more than you love guitar

When I write your name
and look at your pictures
it's made my day
It makes me stop and drop about anything
Just to think about you

When you laugh
My heart rate increases
And when you smile,
all the pain and worries suddenly vanish
I always dreamin' about you

But, its hard
You don't even know me
Not that well
I want to be the reason for your smile,
the reason for your laugh 

I wanna be yours 
I'm falling madly in love with you
And I wish that you were going crazy for me too
I'm in love with you, would you feel the same?

By: Nanda Jessica


What is love?

Apa itu Cinta? Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan cinta? Sejak kecil kita sudah merasakan arti cinta yang sesungguhnya. Perasaan cinta kepada orang tua, saudara, kerabat, teman, pacar ataupun lawan jenis, maupun kepada negara.. Cinta adalah suatu perasaan yang positif dan diberikan pada manusia atau benda lainnya. Bisa dialami semua makhluk. Penggunaan perkataan cinta juga dipengaruhi perkembangan waktu dan masa. Perkataan senantiasa berubah arti menurut tanggapan, pemahaman dan penggunaan di dalam keadaan, kedudukan dan generasi masyarakat yang berbeda. Cinta itu berbeda dengan kasih sayang. Tetapi dengan kita merasakan cinta dalam diri kita terhadap seseorang atau yang lainnya dari situlah muncul perasaan sayang. Biasanya masyarakat membedakan cinta ini lebih pada lawan jenis (pacar atau suami), sementara sayang itu berlaku secara umum (orang tua, saudara)

            Banyak orang yang mencoba mendefiniskan arti cinta seperti apa, namun jika di tinjau lebih dalam kata cinta itu sendiri memiliki arti yang sangat luas, karena objek cinta itu sangat banyak dan perbedaan emosi cinta dari setiap objek yang berbeda juga tidak sama. Cinta juga merupakan sebuah pengorbanan. Kita rela melakukan hal apapun yang didasari dengan cinta.  Ketika orang lagi kasmaran, maka dalam tubuhnya akan memproduksi hormon Phenthylamine ( PEA), efeknya adalah terjadi peningkatan suhu tubuh, gula dan tekanan darah, denyut jantung akan lebih cepat dan berkeringat, orang tersebut juga menjadi penasaran, salah tingkah, bergairah (bersemangat), dan gembira.

Cinta merupakan hal yang sangat subyektif, satu orang dengan orang lainnya akan memaknakan secara berbeda. Namun ada tanda-tanda yang menunjukkan adanya perasaan cinta yaitu adanya unsur keterkaitan dan kekaguman. Karena biasanya cinta didahului oleh rasa ketertarikan dan kekaguman. Cinta juga akan teringat terus dalam ingatan. Perasaan cinta membuat bayangan tentang orang yang dicintainya selalu ada dalam ingatan. Dan yang terakhir adanya pengorbanan. Perasaan cinta menimbulkan perasaan ingin berbuat apa saja yang dapat membahagiakan dan menyenangkan orang yang dicintai

Akhir cerita cinta tersebut dapat menimbulkan salah satu dampak yang paling sering muncul. Yaitu rasa cemburu. Cemburu biasanya diperlihatkan oleh seseorang pada saat seseorang merasa perhatian pasangannya beralih kepada yang lain. Cemburu biasanya merupakan tanda cinta bersyarat dan egoisme, tanda kurang percaya diri dan penghargaan diri.